Thursday, 18 April 2013

I got a lesson on “Me time”

I have had this conversation with a colleague this morning (separate departments), he was surprised that I was already at work at 6h30 yet my day starts at 8h00. I told him that I like being on my own before everybody else arrives, and that if I arrive with everybody my day is thrown. He wanted to know what I do that early – I told him that my early mornings give me a perspective for the day and that I also use this time to reflect upon  previous day's events. He then told me that he also prefers the early mornings as a ‘me – time’. So our conversation moved towards things that people can do during me time.

He mentioned that his ‘me-time’ is always spent praying, especially since he has come back from the dead, he said he  has something to be grateful about. He was diagnosed with Cancer two years ago, and he says there were days when he thought he would not see the next Xmas, which was 2012, he beat that mark and is now healing every day. Gets you thinking, doesn’t it? 

He left me wondering about what I would have done, and what I'd still be doing if I were in his situation.

This poem was inspired by my this morning's 'me-time'


Sunlight vanishes to Night
Darkness transforms to Light
Winter disappears, Spring appears
Seedlings grow into Crop

A chrysalis transforms to a butterfly
So pretty and colourful like a painting
A chick becomes a bird
That serenades with sweet reverberation.

A flower sprouts out in spring
Alas, in autumn it withers.
A child becomes a man -
So strong, and gallant and capable
Alas, old age creeps in,
The man, fades and perish.

Become the light
Germinate into edible harvest
Be the butterfly
And sing like a bird.

Be delightful and converted
Enchant us all before time catches up.

Celiwe Ngwenya

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