Friday 21 November 2014

What's in a name?

There is more to a name than just sound and alphabetic language. Never mind Juliet Capulet who thought that a rose would smell as sweet if it were to be given any other name, thus rendering a name an artificial and meaningless convention. I don’t blame the poor girl she was blinded by love. If however I were to indulge Miss Capulet a bit, using her love for Romeo Montague as an example, would it be okay to ‘christen’ how she felt for Romeo as hatred? I don’t think so. To explain my difference of opinion I’d say, love in its various forms facilitates interpersonal relationships and emotions such as kinship (storge), divine love (agape), friendship (philia) and romantic desire (eros). Hatred on the other hand is often associated with a disposition towards hostility. As far as similarity goes with regards to love and hatred, it would be that the two are both social and culturally constructed, this does not mean that they can ever replace each other on any stage unless a person’s disposition changes. With this therefore I consider Miss Capulet’s view an error of judgment, a rose would never smell as sweet if it were to be given any other name, it was christened a rose because of its sweet smell, period!

You are probably be wondering where I’m headed with this, wait no longer as I am about to share my recent encounter. A few days ago against my better judgement I allowed myself to attend one of those so called prestigious events, which those who attend these, consider themselves a delightful rich layer of the cream on top of any best coffee brand in the land. Coffee can be so good!!! Anyway, before I get distracted I must continue with my story! On my way to this event I psyched myself into the best of acceptable protocols that social conventions consent to for revelers, meaning I was all smile, arms wide open, figuratively,  and all ready to hug and smooch! I looked like I was floating on air!

Lo behold! I was hardly five minutes in that makeshift gallery before I was affronted. The crime in question happened in the sake of my name. I know, I know, my name can be a tongue twister, but it carries one of the best meanings I can ever think of. I would like to think it is the combination of storge and eros. My French teacher Daisy (May her soul rest in peace!), taught me that my name meant Desireé in French. Since I am not French speaking we shall continue using it the way my parents conceived it, or me!  Pun unintended! There you have it; eros  drove the whole process of my existence!

Nevertheless as we were sharing pleasantries, one of the women, I guess she might have thought that others were not engaging me enough, darted towards me to introduce herself. I smiled readily and introduced myself too. She stopped with a stare then asked me to repeat my name; I obliged, and looked at her directly in the eye when I mention my name, the second time around. She smiled, and then the unexpected happened. “What a sweet name, but it would be difficult for me to say it, what should I call you then”, she said. Our eyes locked, and my disposition changed from sweet to callous, but I still managed to sweetly say, “You can call me Celiwe”. She smiled meekly and pulled away, back to where she sat before she decided to swoop on me like a scavenger seeing an animal carcass!

Now do tell me, was I supposed to shorten my name for the benefit of this person, or was I supposed to give myself a nickname? I don’t think so! As I explained earlier my name carries a profound meaning, you can forgive me for being a stickler when it comes to it.  I was taught from childhood that child naming is sacred, in African cultures it can go on to be a profound statement of the child specialness, the child’s path in life, and sometimes events that preceded the child’s birth. So, next time a person asks your name and figures that it would be proper to shorten it without your permission; you’ve earned the right to call them out! Your name is not just a meaningless convention but a foundation of your uniqueness!

I guess you now understand why I would suggest that Miss Capulet was drunk in love (courtesy of Queen B) when she said a rose would smell as sweet in any other name. It definitely wouldn’t!

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Opal’s World

My friend Opal declared that she has had an eight years love-hate relationship with this city. This, she acknowledged on our very first meeting; at the time I thought she came out guns blazing because she was envious of my ‘self-assured’ attitude. Today however, I think her melancholic mood at has nothing to with me, it is just that Opal hasn’t necessarily opened herself up for opportunities to make friends, let alone make strides to fit in. So she was acting pitifully just to get me out of her way or make me stay. It is always take it or leave it with Opal. There is no grey in her world, things are either black or white.

To tell you the truth, Opal is introverted but shrewd in her way of thinking because she would never be the first one to strike a conversation with anyone lest she be rejected. So she allows people to gravitate towards her first with the hope that the friendship struck may be maintained. I have recently come to accept that she used the same ‘underhandedness’ to get our friendship going.

For a while I have been thinking that Opal’s little ruse wasn’t helpful at all because she hasn’t won many friends except for me of course because I sort of ‘outmaneuvered’ her, since I am that kind of a person, a skillful opponent. I discovered later that Opal allowed me to think I won; to this day she hasn’t come out in the open with her deviousness. If I knew then that I was dealing with a ‘pro’ I wouldn’t have been so big-headed about my Machiavelli skills because I was the one outwitted. Instead I would have been more subtle, like Opal. You see, my maneuver is simple and straight forward; be out there, carefree and exceptionally self-assured. And I have been priding myself thinking that it has served me well thus far, unfortunately Opal has proved me wrong.

In any event, Opal is my best friend. I met her for the first time at a bus stop one rainy morning. She was there, misplaced and shaking like a leaf. And me, I was out there, upright and having taken possession of the whole breathing space under the shelter, yet feeling equally frozen. The people who joined us also responded to me well, as if I built the shelter we were cowering under and they were forever grateful for my thoughtfulness. “Morning Miss X, can you believe              this weather Miss X, nice jacket Miss X, has the 7h15 already left Miss X?” All the time, I kept bobbing my head up and down, gesticulating, moving up and down, eyeing my watch and sharing pleasantries with all and sundry.

Though I was still making a fool of myself somehow I managed not to let Opal out of the corner of my eye. As I had suspected, as much as she seemed isolated from us or rather pretending to be detached, she was following our conversation well.  As if I needed that fact proven I spotted Opal rolling her eyes over what I had said, and that goaded my irritation of her! As soon as that registered in my mind, I got into a new game plan; I broaden my shoulders a little bit to ensure that I am captivating, in my fashion faux pas and false sense of confidence, as Opal would later say. I was on top of my game and she was stumped by comparison!

In the bus nevertheless, we ended up by sheer coincidence next to each other. Because I had ‘exerted’ so much pressure on her, with my confidence undeniably so, the whole world seemed rested on Opal’s shoulders. She looked broken and grim. “Serves her right, next time she will not roll her beautiful eyes on me!” I thought. Even so, part of me wanted to reach out to her because somehow it felt as if we were kindred spirits.

It turned out that our sitting together was not coincidental, Opal felt sorry for me. She told me this later when we had become bosom friends. She went further to chastise me by mentioning that since arriving in this town, she’d come to realize that people tend to act out what they are not, me included. The fact that I was a ‘walking rainbow’ seemed abnormal and she knew there was more to me that it meets the eye. “Because nobody can be that brave unless they have been smoking something very strong” she alleged. That was the beginning of our friendship!

In fact, Opal and I are quite a striking pair; she is unobtrusive and petite, light in complexion with deep penetrating eyes. Emotions are written all over her beautiful oval-shaped face.  And I am this ‘sturdy’ woman with substantial bounciness despite my excess skin and strange fashion sense. I’m also multi-layered; you’ll have to chisel deep inside me to get a different reaction from my avant-garde facial expression. Opal says my noticeable persona is in reality a façade to hide my despair. “To mask your sadness, you have become so pretentious that sometimes I shudder in amazement because concealed deep inside you is an unassuming person that is a no-fuss and no-gimmicky individual like me.” Opal would say.

Well, you may wonder what happened to me, realistically speaking, between the all-consuming urge to eat my ‘pretty’ self to distraction together with my being a hermit I wouldn’t know what happened to me. I guess I’m just a ‘walking rainbow’!

So as the bus strolled with us to our areas of conscription; I couldn’t stop myself from reciting in my head what I still remember of what I read from our daily newspaper. It was some clichéd sweet nothings about the rainy weather. “I bet those in love with the rainy weather haven’t witnessed infuriating events that come with winter rains.” That was Opal’s ‘pick up’ line for me. I looked up and smiled, “what are you on about?” I asked and a little surprised over this sudden outburst, and the fact that we were almost thinking of the same thing. She told me about this article she had read with the writer so passionate about rainy days. “Oh snap! I read the same article too!” I thought. “This man was rays of sunshine” Opal explained, “the kind of person that should be hunted down and shot at for misleading us.” She continued unguardedly. A frown crossed my face and she smiled. Immediately after, she told me that at first she grudgingly ‘hated’ me because she thought I was a ‘happiness freak’ owing to my ‘colourfulness’ at the bus stop, and that she was highly considering employing the same methods with me. She said I have been saved by being able to sit and listen to her.  I gasped, and we laughed together, like old friends.

From that day on it was quite easy to get her to my ‘happiness freak’ side, besides I thought she’d make a good friend since she wouldn’t steal my shine since she is just a mouse. What I didn’t anticipate was that Opal was doing some plotting of her own, to calm me down!

Anyway, after our small talk Opal became a ball of fun and started telling her story, about how ‘outcastish’ she sometimes feels. She told me that she found this city strange and that she has felt that way from the first day she set foot in this rainforest, on a foggy and humid morning. We giggled over her play of words, and I said “more like a ‘concrete rain forest’!” And we giggled again.

The sequence of Opal’s reluctant existence begins with the first person she met, a strange looking individual who tried to make her feel welcomed. I guess his efforts never sat well with her since she claims that his face was intriguingly short and square with distinct jawlines, not a warm type at all.

Anyway, this person turned out to be her neighbour. The neighbour invited Opal to join him and his family for coffee. She says she took his offer up as soon as she was settled in. I’m not sure what had gotten into her because she isn’t like that, perhaps she was merely trying to be neighbourly. Whilst being or rather planning to be a good neighbour, Opal’s neighbours never thought she’d eventually show up. Unfortunately for them she was standing at their door step one afternoon.

The ‘friendly’ gentleman welcomed her and introduced her to everyone in the house. Everybody seemed equally friendly until she mentioned that she was joining them for a cup coffee as promised. Apparently the three people in the house looked this way that way and eventually told her that, they expected her in the past week unfortunately they were by then out of coffee and sugar. That did not sit well with Opal, she felt rejected because, in her point of view – no one would be out of sugar, coffee and milk at the same time, “unless they just did not like present company.” She said. And I gathered that the experience ‘scarred’ her for life!

I tried unsuccessfully to mask my giggles as she recounted her experience and she looked at me a little annoyed. I then explained that she needed a “City” manual to survive. “My way of thinking” I said to her “is reject them before they reject you.” In her case I said I would have been a ‘trooper’, that is, dash back to my house and come back with coffee, milk and sugar. I would even bring my kettle just in case they didn’t have it in the house! “I mean bluntly speaking, they didn’t want you there; that man was making small talk with you, didn’t you notice! So to rub it in their faces, you should have been practically dramatic.” I reasoned. “Guess who would have been left with eggs on their face then?” I asked with a glim of satisfaction shining from my face. She laughed until we got off the bus.

 “Is this where Miss X comes from?” she enquired as we started walking for our purposes. I smiled and we carried on.

I don’t necessarily want to talk about where Ms X comes from but it did, and that’s all I have to say.

Anyway, from that day onwards Opal and I were joined at the hip. She was my ‘Yin’ and I was her ‘Yang’. As a pair we were solid, and individually we seemed solitary and seemed to find everything around us a discord.

A few days later, out of the blue, Opal told me that my methods of dealing with problems needed a little innovation, because the way I would have dealt with her neighbours would have given only instant gratification, and that she has come to a conclusion that she is more a long term type of a girl. And this she discovered after she reflected over my approach. She told me she knew that it was now eight years later but has resolved that she will take matters into her hands and has come up with a long term retribution plan. She said she was going to once every month buy coffee and sugar for her neighbours. I wondered why she’d do that, before even asking her, she told me that she wants to see them lose face each time she delivers these items.

What I think you must know is that Opal and I are not only different in personalities we are also from different worlds, I come from a big city and she comes from the countryside. That makes me what would be called a ‘City Sleeker’ and she, a ‘Bundu Baby’ but we are also alike at the same time. I forgot to also mention her dark sense of humour and I can’t hold a candle to her! I noticed her dark side when she’d reprimand me, often highly ‘aggravated’ because I seem to have forgotten that I am from the lower echelon and I was becoming a wannabe Upper Class. “Remember” she’d say, “What is expected of you is ‘intentional silence reserved for your Class’. Dumb it up gal and you’ll go far!”

Our similarities on the other hand are as colourful as my fashion sense. We both belong to this group of people that think they’ve made it in life. I feel I have to clarify that as much as we think we have made it, we aren’t as shiny as our ‘Black Diamonds’ counterparts, hence our being ill-equipped for our new neighbourhood. I sometimes fail to comprehend why Opal wouldn’t understand when I become an ‘Abandoner’ because she is also a ‘wannabe’.

Nonetheless we both chose to move to the suburbs because people in the suburbs are ‘polished’. People in the suburbs don’t bother you with small talk. Dogs in the suburb don’t just bark! We really felt like we were Upper Class when we moved here!

What is quite intriguing about this outlook is that, since we’ve moved here our experiences have been nothing else but grief. In the early hours of the morning, most weekends if I may add we often hear screams from people who are either being robbed or have drunk themselves motherless from night clubs next to us. As if that was not enough, you’d be sweeping your yard and a beggar would ask you to talk to your ‘madam’ to offer him or her bread. Bread can be anything, money or bread literally!

“What is this place?” One day I complained to Opal. As usual my Yin explained that she has figured it out that when we moved to the suburb we were in the dark over the fact that there are different types of settings in the suburbia world. There are rich suburbs which are reserved for the Upper Class, and ‘inadequately rich’ suburbs reserved for the Middle Class. “And where we are my friend” she said, her voice full of wisdom “is the step sister of the meagerly rich suburbs, translated the ‘working class suburb’ reserved for the poor. So your frustrations, be prepared, will come in variations because you haven’t left the township at all, we’ve just upgraded ourselves to township extension!”

I guess Opal was right, as always .But, her judgment wasn’t amusing because when we bought into this neighbourhood we were going for the ‘it’ status. “I thought we’d made it.” I cried out aloud. Opal laughed mimicking my celebrated hearty laugh and said “Gal here is a thing, borrowing of stuff is a norm here, I mean from milk to money. The difference between where we come from than here is that people were nice all year around back there, and here people are extra nice when they need something from you. People embrace visitors back there and here you will be looked down upon because your extended family members whom you see once in a while have become persona non grata because of their loud voices.” I was left dumbfounded because this was deep even for Opal.

Her outlook reminded me of one of my other ‘wannabe’ neighbours who once complained to me about another couple that they should go back to the township as they didn’t  fit in with us. “They are so loud and don’t speak well” she said. “These are the people who make us look bad.” She continued. I was stunned because the people referred to have top jobs. The cars they drive I can only drive in my dreams. These neighbours were well mannered; their only sin was to slaughter a goat to appease their ancestors. To top it all, they don’t bother anyone with small talk. “The only thing that binds them to us is that they too thought they had upgraded.” I lamented thoughtfully.

Anyway, I am still disgruntled about the whole thing because there aren’t any guidelines in place about atypical suburbs. I feel like I have taken myself for a ride. Our neighbourhood is distressful. “How do we get to real suburbs?” I asked Opal one day.   “Bless the nice aroma that clouds the air every afternoon though,” Opal chimed in. She cooed first then told me that one of the ‘nice’ ladies that hang out with her neighbours told her that the aroma is the result of dedicated begging while using hired children. She also told me that the generous givers are mostly ‘upgraded’ idiots. She further mentioned me that the reason that she knew from the beginning that I wasn’t completely ruined by the ways of this city, was because I am not your typical ‘wannabe’. She talked to me about my attitude. She said apart from my clothing being ridiculously loud, I still have to get the correct attitude. When I asked what would that be, she said “It’s all in the voice. You are not loud enough. And I don’t think you are a generous giver.” The irony of this situation is that a mouse gave me life lessons!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

How far can one go rescuing “souls” from self-inflicted troubles?

Before venting I want to share an anecdote from one Chinese Newspaper of July last year, headlining as;

 Young Man Drowns Saving Family of Three, The Rescued Leave Saying It Has Nothing To Do With Them:
To save a family of three from drowning, a 27-year-old male, X jumped into the river without regard for personal danger. However, he ran out of strength and was soon swallowed by the rapid river and drowned. Just as X’s life was in danger and whether he was alive or dead was unknown, the rescued family of three chose to leave. A witness says, “When the crowd stopped the family of three from leaving, the woman said “none of my damn business” before driving away.

Can you believe this?

When I read this sad story last year I rationalized it, and thought maybe it was his time to go – but the more I think of it I think the World got cheated. Those flippant morons robbed us of one of God’s compassionate people. The consolation I get from this in any event, is my belief in the concept of Karma, that if one sows goodness, one will reap goodness; if one sows evil, one will reap evil. So the totality of their actions and their concomitant reactions will one day catch up with them.

Unfortunately for me, the same Karma concept has me trapped, I keep on giving and giving and giving that I sometimes feel so stupid even to myself. To tell you the truth, some people have taken so much from me that I’m drained just by thinking of it.  Do they ever show some appreciation, nope! Do they ever feel urges to help others, nope again! They literally do not think they should get involved in other people's businesses.

As I’m typing this, I feel so sorry for myself and people like me. It’s not really a “Pity-Party”, I’m in a Rage! My blood is boiling! 

We go out of our way trying to help, and the forever ungrateful scoundrels who don’t even care about the depth of our sacrifices as long as we save them, are going about their lives without a care in the world. As you can gather, I’m so resentful to an extent that I think I have reached the end of my tether. Lo and Behold!  I’m done helping!

Coming to think of it, in many a times these idiots are suffering from self-inflicted troubles. What irks me even more is that these people always think they are owed something! As for me, I’m really tired of bending myself backwards for such nonsense.  

Sometimes I wonder why do we even bother, are we bound by some form of contract to rescue these forever ungrateful bastard just because they are human, or is it a case of having them as relatives sometimes? For me my stupidity ends here!

Ay, those of you who have been rescued, listen up: your lack of appreciation has reached the extreme! I think you should start acting your ages because we wouldn't feel this burdened if we were rescuing young people – it means you are old and you should know better -and in the final analysis, you will be held responsible for your actions - plus you should be held responsible for making me to start thinking of profanities over your actions!

Also, please note that you have ruined “rescue missions” for others …. Now Shape up!

Tuesday 25 June 2013

My soul weeps
I have a soul and it weeps.
My soul weeps when I ponder over the past and fore-think the future.
My soul weeps over the upshots of the old and the new.
Are the consequences really the same?
Strangers predict the end of time?
Are we there yet?

I also weep when; through the window of my soul I see persecution of Life.
Treasures, plagues and greed have become the “Greatest” gifts of Life.
Some say the World was pure.
Others say the World has been corroded by “Greatness”.
My soul weeps for never knowing the difference
Can the end really be nigh?

The old and new World thought is unbelievable.

My soul weeps for not knowing the difference.

Celiwe Ngwenya

Monday 6 May 2013

Between the devil and the deep waters

I feel waterlogged
No matter how much I try caulking the waters away from me
The deep waters keep coming 
With a huge conviction to get to me

When I look in the horizon,
there are monster rocks too
They seem ready to crush me to death if I run towards them for shelter.
I seem to have fewer options.

I have looked closely at Me
My beautiful landscape was there
There is no confirmation of that now, save for a shattered bridge
That is a symbol of what was there.

My head has been buried in the sand, to escape the perils of fanaticism
To my surprise all my efforts have become so pointless
My beautiful landscape is becoming ruined by the day
And I have no other options but lift my head up

My choices are limited?
Do I allow myself to drown in the deep waters of bigotry
Or make a run towards the approaching devil’s monster rocks?
Or roll over and die despicably irate?

Oh! Why should our existence be so testing?

Celiwe Ngwenya

Thursday 2 May 2013

Fashion faux pas

As usual my lunch break buddies and I congregated at the table for our lunch time banter. This is a platform for anything and everything. We have an unspoken rule, "we agree to disagree". Topics are random, and they sometimes leave a person wanting to do something about what was discussed.

Top of our list today was poverty. We wondered aloud about SA, if we would ever win our poverty struggle – and it was unanimously agreed that it definitely is becoming impossible for the country to think of social upliftment when it is busy trying to fit-in in the global stage. We also agreed that as a people we have equally become unfailingly selfish!  From the discussion it sort of dawned on us that we are feeling the effects of globalization. Phew! We are experiencing hard times! We went on and on until it was time to go back to work.

Once alone I thought of our discussion; is globalization really our enemy? “What really does globalization mean to the man in the street?” . I ran straight for the dictionary, and it didn't let me down. The Cambridge International Dictionary defined globalization as; an idea that events in one country cannot be separated from those in another and that a government should consider the effects of its actions in other countries as well as its own. 

Psst! I don't really think there is an actual definition of the word, because most  times when experts explain the concept they associate the word to events. Nonetheless, the dictionary definition made me think. The butterfly effect jumped straight into my mind ... Something I heard and read about somewhere:-) To try and explain this I'll say, the butterfly effect is always associated with chaos. In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is described as the sensitive dependence on initial conditions, where a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state. Good or bad!

So, when I was alone thinking about the discussion I had with my posse, I thought of globalization as a butterfly. The flapping of its wings being the movements of products, ideas, money, people and cultures into the world today. This is supposed to be good but somehow in our shores these movements have managed to widen the socio-economic imbalances.  So to explain our glum lives we can argue that though we have had a history of being poor in this country - created by the legacy of disfranchisement, since globalization became our pop-culture, the plight of the poor has been accelerated to poorer. 

So where do we go from here? Others argue that the remedy is in the poison itself. So if we don't talk about issues how would we identify the ingredients in the recipe that need to be discarded?  Why aren't we talking about this? What happen to social spaces developed during our ‘revolution’ for liberty, equality and fraternity? Have these discourse spaces become a fashion mistake? Should we create new spaces for economic freedom?

Thursday 18 April 2013

I got a lesson on “Me time”

I have had this conversation with a colleague this morning (separate departments), he was surprised that I was already at work at 6h30 yet my day starts at 8h00. I told him that I like being on my own before everybody else arrives, and that if I arrive with everybody my day is thrown. He wanted to know what I do that early – I told him that my early mornings give me a perspective for the day and that I also use this time to reflect upon  previous day's events. He then told me that he also prefers the early mornings as a ‘me – time’. So our conversation moved towards things that people can do during me time.

He mentioned that his ‘me-time’ is always spent praying, especially since he has come back from the dead, he said he  has something to be grateful about. He was diagnosed with Cancer two years ago, and he says there were days when he thought he would not see the next Xmas, which was 2012, he beat that mark and is now healing every day. Gets you thinking, doesn’t it? 

He left me wondering about what I would have done, and what I'd still be doing if I were in his situation.

This poem was inspired by my this morning's 'me-time'


Sunlight vanishes to Night
Darkness transforms to Light
Winter disappears, Spring appears
Seedlings grow into Crop

A chrysalis transforms to a butterfly
So pretty and colourful like a painting
A chick becomes a bird
That serenades with sweet reverberation.

A flower sprouts out in spring
Alas, in autumn it withers.
A child becomes a man -
So strong, and gallant and capable
Alas, old age creeps in,
The man, fades and perish.

Become the light
Germinate into edible harvest
Be the butterfly
And sing like a bird.

Be delightful and converted
Enchant us all before time catches up.

Celiwe Ngwenya