Wednesday 26 June 2013

How far can one go rescuing “souls” from self-inflicted troubles?

Before venting I want to share an anecdote from one Chinese Newspaper of July last year, headlining as;

 Young Man Drowns Saving Family of Three, The Rescued Leave Saying It Has Nothing To Do With Them:
To save a family of three from drowning, a 27-year-old male, X jumped into the river without regard for personal danger. However, he ran out of strength and was soon swallowed by the rapid river and drowned. Just as X’s life was in danger and whether he was alive or dead was unknown, the rescued family of three chose to leave. A witness says, “When the crowd stopped the family of three from leaving, the woman said “none of my damn business” before driving away.

Can you believe this?

When I read this sad story last year I rationalized it, and thought maybe it was his time to go – but the more I think of it I think the World got cheated. Those flippant morons robbed us of one of God’s compassionate people. The consolation I get from this in any event, is my belief in the concept of Karma, that if one sows goodness, one will reap goodness; if one sows evil, one will reap evil. So the totality of their actions and their concomitant reactions will one day catch up with them.

Unfortunately for me, the same Karma concept has me trapped, I keep on giving and giving and giving that I sometimes feel so stupid even to myself. To tell you the truth, some people have taken so much from me that I’m drained just by thinking of it.  Do they ever show some appreciation, nope! Do they ever feel urges to help others, nope again! They literally do not think they should get involved in other people's businesses.

As I’m typing this, I feel so sorry for myself and people like me. It’s not really a “Pity-Party”, I’m in a Rage! My blood is boiling! 

We go out of our way trying to help, and the forever ungrateful scoundrels who don’t even care about the depth of our sacrifices as long as we save them, are going about their lives without a care in the world. As you can gather, I’m so resentful to an extent that I think I have reached the end of my tether. Lo and Behold!  I’m done helping!

Coming to think of it, in many a times these idiots are suffering from self-inflicted troubles. What irks me even more is that these people always think they are owed something! As for me, I’m really tired of bending myself backwards for such nonsense.  

Sometimes I wonder why do we even bother, are we bound by some form of contract to rescue these forever ungrateful bastard just because they are human, or is it a case of having them as relatives sometimes? For me my stupidity ends here!

Ay, those of you who have been rescued, listen up: your lack of appreciation has reached the extreme! I think you should start acting your ages because we wouldn't feel this burdened if we were rescuing young people – it means you are old and you should know better -and in the final analysis, you will be held responsible for your actions - plus you should be held responsible for making me to start thinking of profanities over your actions!

Also, please note that you have ruined “rescue missions” for others …. Now Shape up!

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